• Question: If we know we can move a ton at 400+ ton-mpg, why are we moving a person with the 25 mpg efficiency of the Model-T?
  • Answer: As with the near century of rotary telephones under Federal monopoly, the 25 mpg of Model-T has been protected from free-market competition since The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1916 began violating the Constitution's "post Roads" restriction. Since 1916, 46% of freight railroads have been replaced with 25 mpg roads.

As soon as free markets are restored by the 5X5 Standard of the Solar Mobility Ordinance, JPods will have solar-powered mobility networks. JPods:

  • Are 10X to 50X more affordable than oil-powered roads and coal-powered mass transit?
  • Do they have the efficiency of freight rail?
  • Xan they offer the on-demand service of a chauffeured car?

By removing the two tons of parasitic mass and removing the repetitive start-stops, more the 90 cents out of every dollar spent on urban transportation today can be recovered as:

  • Jobs to build networks.
  • Customer savings.
  • Profits.


Foreign oil addiction is unaffordable:

Veterans founded JPods in 1998 because we understood that oil-wars since 1991 would continue as long as America is funding our enemies with oil-dollars.

  • Between 1991 and 2018, US Defense spending was about $500 billion per year. If only 1/3rd of those costs were used to defend access to foreign oil, the debt to the American people would be $3,335 trillion. This is not affordable.

JPods is not alone in understanding that foreign oil addiction is a direct threat to national security:

  • Eight Presidents ordered Federal agencies to end foreign oil addiction, and those monopolies have done nothing since Tricia Nixon opened the first digital mobility network in Morgantown, WV. The week of May 17, 2019, the US imported 7.2 million barrels of foreign oil daily, increasing our nation's debt by $432 million daily. This is not affordable.
  • In 1957, Admiral Rickover's "Energy Slave" speech warned of perpetual oil-wars by about 2000. He was right. Perpetual oil-wars are not affordable.
  • In May 2008, the Dallas Federal Reserve's "Crude Awakening" reported the failure of DOT and DOE to correctly forecast the rising cost of gasoline and its unaffordable impact on mortgages.
  • In September 2013, the Dallas Federal Reserve's "Assessing the Costs and Consequences of the 2007-09 Financial Crisis and Its Aftermath" estimated the unaffordable cost to American taxpayers at $6 to $14 trillion.
  • Chris Martenson put together an excellent summary of Energy Economics.

As soon as the liberty to digitize mobility networks is restored, millions of jobs will be created building the Physical Internet®. JPods are an affordable urban component.