
Requests by cities to have JPods fund, build, and operate networks.


In 18-24 month certify the solar-powered mobility networks (US Patent 6,810,817) and establish the manufacturing base to convert traffic costs into customer savings, jobs, and value.


  • By Nov 18th, cities submit request for JPods networks by using Attachment 2 - Submittal Form : CERTT_1stPacket_TransPod_JPods.pdf
    1. Where would this facility be built? Limits? Please include a map with your submission
    2. What would be the length of this facility? (Please review attachments 3 and 4 for recommended minimum facility sizes)
    3. What is the status/ownership of the right-of-way?
    4. Would this be a pilot for a larger expansion in your jurisdiction, or a stand-alone project?
    5. Please provide a brief description of what transportation issue you are trying to solve with this technology
  • City (s) and JPods LLC sign 5X5 Standard agreement (s):
    • Privately funded transportation networks 5 times more efficient than roads,
    • Pay 5% of gross transportation revenues to use the airspace over approved public Rights of Way,
    • Regulated by the 10,000 better safety record of Texas Department of Insurance (ASTM International F24).
  • JPods funds, builds, and certifies the selected networks in 18-24 months.
  • JPods funds and expands networks giving preference to the cities participating in this first certification process.

Recommendations on Attachment 2 - Submittal Form:

  1. Where would this facility be built?
  1. What would be the length of this facility?
    • JPods team will help estimate the size of networks. They can be as small as connecting two hospital buildings across a busy road to a mesh network covering the city.
    • As noted in #1 above, JPods provides software anyone may use to design networks (link). JPods will assist in creating or teach those interested in designing networks.
  1. What is the status/ownership of the right-of-way?
    • Rights of Way are retained by the public.
    • JPods networks use the public Rights of Way for 5% of gross transportation revenues.
    • It may be that private property owners will want JPods stations on their property. If so, those agreements will be negotiated as applicable.
  1. Would this be a pilot for a larger expansion in your jurisdiction, or a stand-alone project??
    • This is a decision for a city.
    • JPods would prefer the first project to be Phase One of on-going projects to network the city. But there are worth stand-alone projects.
    • JPods team believes the future of urban transportation will have multiple solutions that will only be well understood as customers (passenger and cargo) interact with changing networks. The Internet has 3 general types of networks: fiber optics for high speed, WiFi for local area, and BlueTooth for last device. We expect the future of transportation will also have 3 general types of networks:
      • High speed and heavy payloads:  Planes, high-speed rail, hyperloops, freight railroads, etc... for long-haul or high speed.
      • Local area networks: DART, JPods, ...
      • Last device: Cars, self-driving cars, ride-hail, scooters, bikes, pedestrians, drones, ....
  1. Please provide a brief description of what transportation issue you are trying to solve with this technology
    • JPods team is open to ideas of issues to be solved in moving people and cargo.