DFW Airport with JPods solar-powered mobility networks. The exact routes for JPods network will have to be determined based on collaboration. The capability of applying JPods networks to both passengers and freight may also affect the routes.

In these illustrations, networks "T" in the center of each terminal arc to place a station. In the image below a station is placed on top of the existing parking garage. JPods networks have such a small foot print they may be elevated, integrated into existing structures, or wrapped around existing structures.

Another view of the terminal arc.

JPods coming into car rental.

JPods going into car rental.

Connecting the Hyatt.

Car rental above and Hyatt closer.


DWF Car Rental SU 2022-10-01 on Vimeo.


DFW-Terminal-2022-10-01 from Bill James on Vimeo.


DFW-RouteTime-Airport-2022-10-01 from Bill James on Vimeo.

From the Car rental


From the train station